Dancing, chicks and good friends.

We’ve had a lovely morning in Reception class!

We all watched some of the boys perform a dance they had been rehearsing to us (too good not to upload!) then we all got to hold our new born chicks and watch them play on the carpet…


We we have been doing lots of work on building relationship and being kind to others – we definitely achieved that today!



We have some movers in our class!



Chick world

We have started our new topic all about farms.
To get the children interested we have had eggs in an incubator and we have been learning about chicken life cycles.

We have all been checking the eggs each day and writing about how we will look after them when they hatch. Today the children worked all together to create a ‘chick world’ – they used different resources to create a play pen for the chickens once they are big enough.

Our first chick hatched and we are so excited! The children have named her Nelly. We also have another one hatching in the incubator. I wonder how many chicks we will have by next week?


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